Opening Hours:

Please visit this shop’s Google page (click here) for their opening hours.

This will also advise of any temporary closures.

If you are planning a special visit to this shop from a long distance then be sure to get in touch first, in case there are any temporary closures on the day. The shop’s phone number is at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Contact for Local Deliveries, Wholesale & Wedding Enquiries


Christiaan opened Roly’s Fudge Whitby in September 2023. He also own’s Roly’s Fudge Lincoln , so is very experienced in the art of fudge-making. Located at 8 Sandgate, this pantry is in the perfect location for visitors wanting to observe our fresh fudge being made daily on our marble slabs, and for those wanting to try our delicious samples.


Top Flavours at Roly’s Fudge Whitby

Personally we’re a big fan of Baileys, a limited edition fudge at Roly’s Fudge Whitby!

The shop makes many of the Roly’s Fudge traditional flavours, along with a host of limited edition flavours depending on the season. Try a taster before attempting the most famous landmark in Whitby, the 199 steps up to St Marys church and Whitby Abbey giving panoramic views of the whole of Whitby.



Vegan options are available, accredited by the Vegan Society. Please ask in store for assistance. If you’re making a special visit, please email or phone beforehand to check if it is in stock.


Roly's Fudge SauceThis fudge pantry sometimes stocks Roly’s Fudge Sauce. If you’re making a special visit, please email or phone beforehand to check if it is in stock.


8 Sandgate, Whitby YO22 4DB