Fudge boxes


Mother’s Day Gifts


Beautifully gift wrapped

Every day, we receive emails from fudge fanatics, telling us that they bought a box of Roly’s Fudge as a gift for a special someone, only to demolish the box before they’ve reached their car. We understand your pain, and we’re here to help. We’ve realised that the only way to help you resist the temptation of a box of Roly’s Fudge is to wrap it up. As a result, we’ve beautifully gift wrapped all of our Mother’s Day selection boxes by hand. Inside you’ll find two of our most popular Mother’s Day fudge flavours: Vanilla Clotted Cream Fudge and Eton Mess Fudge.Mother's Day

Buy: Mother’s Day 600g Selection Box

Choose your own flavour

Not what you’re looking for? Then choose any of our flavours from our Roly’s Fudge Online shop page. We have over 20 flavours to choose from, including our brand new best-seller Salted Maple and Pecan Fudge, and our trustworthy Roly’s Five Favourites Assorted gift box. We also now have a dairy-free range of fudge. Remember to select your choice of wrapping from the list, and whether you’d like a ‘Mum X’ sticker on the box.

Only the Best: Our Traditional Handmade Fudge

All of our fudge is made by hand every single day. We have 39 fudge pantries across the country making fudge in full view of our visitors. Made using our large copper pans, we cook real butter, milk and sugar, before pouring out onto our marble slab tables. We then mix the fudge on the table and shape it into a long baguette shape as it cools down. From here, we cut it into slabs and pieces, ready for eating. This makes Roly’s Fudge a fantastic handmade gift. We use only the best ingredients possible, from 100% crunchy peanut butter in our Peanut Butter Fudge to dark chocolate and pure cocoa in our Chocolate Fudge.

All Postage and Packaging Included

All of our boxes have postage and packaging included, so there’s no surprises at checkout – what you see is what you get. We deliver using Royal Mail Tracked Service, as well as a Special Delivery service. Find out more at our Delivery page. All of our fudges keep fresh for up to 3 months – just store in a room temperature location in its original wrapping. Read our FAQs in case you have any unanswered questions.


Mother's Day

Mother’s Day Selection Box, exclusive for 2018

Salted Maple and PecanSalted Maple and Pecan Fudge


Roly's Strawberries and Cream FudgeRoly’s Strawberries and Cream Fudge